World Rat Day
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World Rat Day Slogans

To the world, you are one person.
To one rat, you are the world.

Rat Here RAT NOW

I have 2 balls of fun and friendship, adorable dumbo ratties

Rats are my life
Everything else is just small details

My boyfriend must love my rat before he can even like me.

Dogs today, rats tomorrow.
-Miss Mary-

I have replaced my backpack with a ratpack.
-Mary R.-

Love me, Love my rats....

Rats are friends, not enemies.
-Katlyn Goldwood Age 9-

(Rats rule and other animals drool!)

My rat is the only friend that never walks away from me.
-Hannah Miller-

Ratz make the world go round.
-Becky Irwin-

Who could ask for more than the love of a rat?
-Chris Maggs-

The Rat : Always loving, always caring, always misjudged
-Chris Maggs-

In it's short life a rat shows more love than any human could
-Chris Maggs-

Pet Rats...the world's BEST kept secret.

Hug a Rat you'll feel better!
-Katey Parson-

Once you go rat, you never go back!

Rats are like potato chips;
you can't have just one!

Rats make the world go 'round.
-Katey Parson-

you make me feel simply ratty

Rats rule dogs drool!

Rats the dog of tomorrow

Got Rat?

Just because I own a ratty
Doesn't mean that I've gone batty

A long, thick tail is a useful tool!
-Carla Lee-

Get RATical!
-Deb R.-


Rattis maik de werl go arund.
-Rebound Wrat-

Get into some "mischief!"
World Rat day 2003

Want a really gRATifying pet?
Get rats!

"Rats / no longer born wild"

Rats make good pests!
-Jane A.-

"Fancy rats Rock" / "Pet rats Rock"

"Rats / The intelligent person's pet."

"Rats / Pets of the future"

"Changing the face of history"

rats are a girls best friend

I've hugged my rats today!

Rats-the great pet of the world
if only there were more cheese!
-m jones-

A rat wont judge you
A person will

My kid is covered in fur and eats lab blocks!
-Mary R.-

Rats are palm sized puppies....

Everything's better with rats.

It's hard to be humble when you have pet rats!
-Margie Rick-

A day without my rat, is a day without my best friend.
-Hannah Miller-

There's no love like a ratty love.

A Rat A Day Keeps Bad People Away!!

Can you honestly say, hand on heart, that you've never wondered what it would be like to spend a day in the cage with your rats?
-Chris Maggs-

Holding a rat a day helps you work, rest and play
-Chris Maggs-

Rata tat tat get a Rapster Rat!!
-Miss Macy-

Raising Rats Rocks!

Love a rat, love for life.

Rats are gRATifying

Rats are friends, not food!

Get a Rat. They're great to come home to!
-Katey Parson-

Is that a rat in your pocket,
or are you just glad to see me?

let's get gnawty

Rats rule dogs drool!

There's a mystique
Behind every squeak

Rats are undeRATed

It had to happen sooner or later--
World Rat Day!

"Not dog, not cat, just RAT"

"Make a friend. Buy a rat."

"Rats: today the world--tomorrow the stars"
-Kathy T.-

"Rats: yesterday, today, forever"
-Kathy T.-

Rats Are My World
-Carol W.-

Rat Day: One Day, One World,
a Whole Bunch of Happy Rats!
-Susan K.-


"Cuddle a Rat its a WONDERFUL Experience"

"Great People Are OWNED by RATS"

All we are saying is gives rats a chance!
-Andrea Z.-

-Andrea Z.-

artwork and logo by...
Joanne "Bella" Hogdes

slogan by...
C. Josephine Stanley

web page by...
RatRaisins, Inc.

special thanks to...
Susan Kerr
Missy Ruud
Anna Dorfman
the Ratlist